Fruit and vegetables
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7. A fruit with a verey caracteristic shape, similar to a guitar. 9. Big fruit wtih white flesh and very much juice. 11. Long green vegetable. You boile them. 12. This fruit is like a ping-pong ball. 13. Very common vegetable. You eat it boiled or fried. 14. Heart shaped small pink fruit. 16. A little white vegetable with a very strong smell. 17. White vegetable. you eat it in salads or with hamburgers.
1. Small red fruit. Sometimes you put two on your ears, like earrings. 2. Yellow bitter fruit from Valencia. 3. Caribbean fruit with a very thick skin. 4. You get cider from this fruit. 5. Sweet fruit from Valencia. 6. Very small green ball 8. Long fruit from Canary Islands. 10. Vegetable with green leaves. You eat it in salads, or in sandwiches or with hamburgers. 15. Red vegetable. You eat it in salads. Also as ketchup. 16. You eat twelve at twelve o'clock the last night of the year.